What is Migraine headache?, Best Treatment for Migraine In Homoeopathy

Migraine also called migraine headache.

What is a migraine? What causes Migraine? What are the signs & symptoms of Migraine?

What are the signs & symptoms of  migraine attack-
  • It is thought that they result from abnormal activity in the brain. This can affect the way nerves communicate as well as chemicals and blood vessels in the brain. But exact cause remains unknown..
  • Too much pain causes like performing day to day duties become difficult.
  • A day in the life of a migraine sufferer is tough. One is bound to stay in bed.
  • It can wreak havoc on your body, causing a sharp headache, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, a quick decline in energy and more. It can last for as “short ” as 10 min to several hours but in some cases time won’t really matter.
  • Age Group of Migraine-

About 1 out 10 people have some form of migraine. People with the age range of 30-50 are more common migraine sufferers. In terms of gender, female are twice as likely to suffer from migraines compared to males.

Cure for Migraine –. Its symptoms may appear, disappear and evolve throughout a person’s life with an observed trend of decreased headache intensity and increased incidents of other unconventional migraine symptoms like dizziness. vomiting, sleep disturbances& others. Migraine are often genetically inherited,

Cure with painkillers for a long period of time is harmful & having lots of side effects. At Dr Sharda Homeopathy we  provide best Homeopathy medicines which  are very effective & causes permanent cure in most of the cases.
what are Four stages if migraine-

Strangely, not all migraine  sufferers experience each one of them.

  1. Prodrome- symptoms include a sudden drop of energy, loss of focus and increased light and sound sensitivity for a couple of hours or even a couple of days.
  2. Aura- symptoms include specks of light and blotches of darkness being seen from 20 min to an hour.
  3. Headache- symptoms include an unbearable pain with increased light and sound sensitivity and nausea. Oftentimes the pain felt resides in only one side of the head.
  4. Postdrome- light and sound sensitivity may persist, together with the lack of energy and loss of focus.
Common causes of migraine trigger

Migraines are genetics which means that only people who come from migraine afflicted families are prone to getting migraines.

  1. Sleep– sleeping longer or shorter than usual or sleeping in an unusual time, your body has to adjust to your new sleeping schedule.  This includes unnecessary stress to your body and therefore can cause severe migraines.
  2. Food- like artificial additives, beverages, fruits,  vegetables,  meat, dairy,  pastries and bread,  vitamins.
  3. Stress– there are increased incidents of migraines when patients are overworked underfed or experience a drastic change in their lifestyle.
  4. Hormonal fluctuations– one of the reasons why migraines are thrice as common in women.
  5. Physical abuse– doing too much physical exercise is possible and can stress your body to the point of triggering a migraine.

TOP Homoeopathy Medicines for Migraine-Take as per doctors advise only-

  • Natrum  mur 30 ,
  • Glonoine 30
  • Thuja 30
  • Cedrone
  • Cyclamen
  • Pulsatila & many others please consult the doctor before because Homoeopathy is holistic it covers your mind & body symptoms simultaneously to cure.